Supplement Reviews

What is a Probiotic? What do they do?

What is a Probiotic?

As you may know our bodies are filled with tiny micro-organisms, some good and some not so good. If you didn’t know sorry to be the one that broke it to you but you are full of tiny living things. The good micro-organisms don’t live rent free though they actually aid your body. The micro-organisms in our GI tract( lets call them gut flora) help us in multiple ways to keep our gut health, healthy. But sometimes they need help too. This is where probiotics come into play. So when your regular digestive system is not so regular, a probiotic will help you get back on track.

How does a Probiotic work?

Probiotics are good live bacteria and yeast that can found in food as well as supplements. So what probiotics do is replace lost bacteria in your body ( like if you have taken an antibiotic), as well as regulate the bacteria already in your body. The most common probiotic is called lactobacillus. This strain is particularly helpful for people who struggle to digest diary products (products containing milk sugars, lactose). The second most common probiotic is bifidobacterium. This strain of probiotic is especially helpful with easing symptoms of IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome) along with other conditions.

What can you expect when taking probiotics?

probiotics good vs bad

Probiotics can move food through gut as well as helping with:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Diarrhea
  • Skin conditions, like eczema
  • Urinary and vaginal health
  • Preventing allergies and colds
  • Oral health

Where can you find them?

now foods probiotic

Probiotics can be found in food such as yogurt or in supplements such as:



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Talib Ahmad Supplement Expert

Talib has been a supplement and fitness enthusiast for over 10 years. He is a passionate powerlifter who enjoys helping others with their supplement regimens and training programs to ensure they achieve the best performance for their goals.

One thought on “What is a Probiotic? What do they do?

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