Supplement Reviews

Do Hair Loss Supplements Really Work? Exploring the Benefits of Nutrafol®

Understanding Hair Loss | What Is Nutrafol ® | Nutrafol ® Ingredients | Benefits And Side Effects | Nutrafol ® Alternatives | Nutrafol ® VS Minoxidil | How To Choose | Wrapping Up | Warnings And Side Effects | Disclaimer

Hair loss can be frustrating and emotionally challenging for both men and women. Whether it’s a gradual thinning at the hairline or a sudden patch of baldness, seeing your hair disappear can take a toll on your confidence. So, the market for a solution has seen a surge in hair supplements, promising to rejuvenate thinning hair and stimulate regrowth.

But can these supplements truly deliver on their promises? In this blog, we’ll explore the world of hair loss supplements, specifically Nutrafol ®, and their potential benefits. We’ll uncover the science behind hair loss, unpack Nutrafol ®’s ingredients and claims, and compare it to other options like Minoxidil. Whether you’re experiencing thinning hair or just looking for ways to maintain a healthy scalp, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your hair health journey.

Section Divider: Understanding Hair Loss

Understanding Hair Loss:

Hair loss is a multifaceted issue affecting individuals of all genders, with various factors contributing to its onset and progression. Here, we’ll explore the diverse factors that can contribute to hair loss:


  • Androgenetic Alopecia (Male-Pattern Baldness and Female-Pattern Hair Loss) is the most common hereditary cause of hair loss. This condition is driven by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which shrinks hair follicles over time, leading to thinning hair and eventual baldness. In men, this can lead to a receding hairline, and in women, overall thinning. (1)

Hormonal Fluctuations:

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase hair growth. However, after childbirth, estrogen levels drop dramatically, often leading to temporary hair loss. This typically resolves within a year, but consulting a doctor if excessive shedding is recommended. (2)
  • Menopause: Similar to postpartum, menopause causes a decline in estrogen and progesterone levels. This hormonal shift can contribute to hair thinning and changes in hair texture. (3)
  • Thyroid Issues: An overactive and underactive thyroid can disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to hair loss. (4)
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): This hormonal imbalance can cause excess androgen production in women, potentially leading to hair loss, among other symptoms. (5)
  • Birth Control Pills: Some birth control pills, particularly those containing certain types of progestin, can have androgenic effects. This means they can mimic the actions of male hormones, which may contribute to hair loss in women who are predisposed to hormonal hair loss. (6,7)

Medical Conditions and Treatments:

  • Autoimmune Diseases: Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks hair follicles, resulting in sudden bald patches. Lupus and other autoimmune disorders can also cause hair loss. (8)
  • Scalp Infections: Fungal infections like ringworm and bacterial infections can damage hair follicles and lead to patchy hair loss. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent permanent scarring. (9)
  • Medical Treatments: Chemotherapy and radiation therapy, often used to treat cancer, can cause widespread hair loss as a side effect. This hair loss is usually temporary, and hair typically grows back after treatment ends. (10)

Lifestyle and Environmental Factors:

  • Stress: Severe or chronic stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle and trigger temporary hair loss. Managing stress through relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation can be beneficial. (11)
  • Diet and Nutrition: Deficiencies in essential nutrients like iron, vitamin D, biotin, and protein can contribute to hair loss. Maintaining a balanced diet rich in these nutrients is crucial for healthy hair growth. (12,13)
  • Styling Practices: Tight hairstyles like braids, cornrows, and high ponytails can lead to traction alopecia, a type of hair loss caused by prolonged pulling on the scalp. Overuse of heat styling tools and harsh chemical treatments can also damage hair and contribute to breakage. (14)

Age-Related Hair Loss:

  • As we age, the hair growth cycle naturally slows down. Hair follicles produce thinner strands, leading to a gradual decrease in hair density and volume. This is a normal part of aging, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help promote optimal hair health. (15)

Remember, this list is not exhaustive. If you’re experiencing hair loss, it’s crucial to consult with a doctor or dermatologist to determine the underlying cause and explore the most appropriate treatment options.

Section Divider: What Is Nutrafol

What Is Nutrafol ®?

Nutrafol ® is a hair growth supplement that addresses hair loss and promotes healthier, thicker hair. Unlike topical treatments or prescription medications, Nutrafol ® is taken orally in capsule form. It features a blend of botanical ingredients, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that may support hair health from within.†

Nutrafol ® caters to both men and women experiencing thinning hair or hair loss concerns. Their core product lines, Nutrafol ® Men and Nutrafol ® Women, offer a targeted approach based on the varying causes of hair loss in each gender. The brand emphasizes a multi-ingredient approach, aiming to address multiple factors that can contribute to hair loss and promote overall scalp health.†

In the next section, we’ll explore the ingredients in Nutrafol ® and their potential benefits for hair growth.†

Section Divider: Nutrafol Ingredients

Nutrafol ® Ingredients:

Nutrafol ®’s approach to hair loss hinges on a multi-ingredient strategy designed to nourish the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. Here, we’ll dissect the key components found in both Nutrafol ® Women and Nutrafol ® Men, highlighting their potential benefits:

Nutrafol Men and Women

Essential Vitamins and Minerals:

  • Vitamin A: Plays a crucial role in cell production and scalp health. (12,13,16)
  • Vitamin C: A powerful antioxidant that helps protect hair follicles from damage. (12,13,17)
  • Vitamin D: Supports hair growth and may influence hair follicle cycling. (12,13,17)
  • Vitamin E: Acts as an antioxidant to combat free radical damage. (12,13,17)
  • Biotin: A B vitamin essential for keratin production, the protein that makes up hair. (18)
  • Iodine: Supports healthy thyroid function, which can impact hair growth. (19)
  • Zinc: Necessary for hair follicle function and protein synthesis. (20)
  • Selenium: An antioxidant that protects cells from damage and may promote hair growth. (21)

Synergen Complex:

This proprietary blend in Nutrafol ® contains a combination of powerful ingredients:

  • Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen Types 1 & 2: Provides building blocks for hair structure and may improve scalp health. (22)
  • Sensoril Ashwagandha Extract: An adaptogen that may help manage stress, a potential contributing factor to hair loss. (23)
  • Saw Palmetto Extract: May block the conversion of testosterone to DHT, a hormone linked to hair loss in men and women. (24) [Note: While saw palmetto is included in both formulas, its potential benefits for women experiencing hair loss are less conclusive]
  • BCM-95 Bio-Curcumin Extract: A highly bioavailable form of curcumin with anti-inflammatory properties that may benefit scalp health. (25)
  • Full Spectrum Palm Extract: Source for tocotrienol, which has potent antioxidant properties. One study suggests supplementing with tocotrienol may increase hair growth. (26,27)
  • Hyaluronic Acid: Supports scalp hydration, creating a healthy environment for hair growth. (28)

Nutrafol ® Blend:

This unique blend contains amino acids and botanical extracts:

  • L-Cysteine, L-Lysine, L-Methionine: Essential amino acids contributing to keratin production. (29,30,31)
  • Solubilized Keratin: Provides readily absorbable keratin for hair health. (32,33)
  • Horsetail Extract: A source of silica, a mineral that may strengthen hair. (34,35,36)
  • Japanese Knotweed Extract:  Contains high levels of resveratrol and may have anti-inflammatory properties that benefit scalp health. (37,38) [Note: While some studies suggest benefits, more research is needed]
  • Black Pepper Extract & Capsicum Extract: May enhance the absorption of other ingredients. (39,40)

Key Differences Between Nutrafol ® Women and Men:

While both formulas share core ingredients, there are slight variations:

  • Vitamin C: Nutrafol ® Women contains a higher dose of Vitamin C, potentially reflecting its role in hormonal hair loss.†
  • Saw Palmetto Extract: The potential benefits of Saw Palmetto for women experiencing hair loss are less established, so its inclusion in Nutrafol ® Women may be at a lower dose compared to Nutrafol ® Men.†

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of these ingredients can vary depending on the individual and the underlying cause of hair loss.

*Ingredients may change. Please refer to the actual product packaging for the most current information.

Section Divider: Benefits And Side Effects

Benefits And Side Effects:

Nutrafol ® offers a potential range of benefits for both men and women seeking to improve the health and appearance of their hair. However, it’s essential to recognize that individual experiences may vary, and not everyone may experience the same results. Additionally, while Nutrafol ® clinical studies have reported no side effects, it’s crucial to acknowledge that this may not encompass all potential side effects, and individuals should exercise caution and consult with healthcare professionals before starting any new supplement regimen.

Nutrafol ® Men Benefits:

Nutrafol Men (1)

  • Visibly fuller hair and scalp coverage†
  • Visibly thicker hair volume†
  • Hair that grows faster and feels stronger†
  • Does not compromise sexual performance†
  • Positive feelings of stress and supported sleep quality†

Nutrafol ® Women Benefits:

Nutrafol Women (1)

  • Visibly thicker volume†
  • Visibly less shedding†
  • Hair that grows faster, stronger, and longer†
  • Visibly thicker lashes and brows†
  • Reduced feelings of stress and supported sleep quality†

While Nutrafol ® is generally well-tolerated, it’s important to consider potential precautions and contraindications:

  • Not Recommended for Individuals Under 18: Nutrafol ® is not recommended for individuals under the age of 18.
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Nutrafol ® Women’s formulas are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Nutrafol ® Postpartum formula is breastfeeding-friendly, but it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before use.
  • Medical Conditions and Medications: Individuals with medical conditions or those taking medications, especially anticoagulants and blood-thinning drugs, should consult with their physician before taking Nutrafol ®.
  • Hormone-Sensitive Conditions: Nutrafol ® contains Saw Palmetto, which may affect hormone levels. Individuals with hormone-sensitive conditions or a history of hormone-responsive cancers should consult with their doctor before using Nutrafol ®.

Section Divider: Nutrafol Alternatives

Nutrafol ® Alternatives:

Nutrafol ® isn’t the only player in the hair growth supplement game. With its multi-ingredient formula, it offers a targeted approach to addressing hair loss at the root. However, you might be curious about other options available in the market.

In this section, we’ll explore some popular alternatives to Nutrafol ®, highlighting their key ingredients and potential benefits:

NOW Hair, Skin, and Nails:

While both Nutrafol ® and NOW Hair, Skin, and Nails aim to promote hair health, they take different approaches. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide which might be a better fit for you:

NOW Hair Skin And Nails (1)

Advantages of NOW Hair, Skin, and Nails:

  1. Cost-effective: NOW offers a significantly lower price point than Nutrafol ®, making it a budget-friendly option.
  2. Focus on essential nutrients: NOW provides a solid foundation of essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids crucial for overall hair, skin, and nail health.†
  3. Transparent ingredient list: The label clearly lists all ingredients and their dosages, allowing for informed decision-making.

Ingredient Comparison:

  • Vitamin A (as Beta-Carotene): Both contain Vitamin A, which plays a role in scalp health and sebum production, nourishing hair follicles. † (NOW 5000IU, Nutrafol ® 5000IU)
  • Vitamin C: Both include Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that protects hair follicles from damaging free radicals.† (NOW 60mg, Nutrafol ® 100mg & 60mg, depending on the formula)
  • Vitamin E: Both have Vitamin E, an antioxidant that may improve blood circulation to the scalp, promoting hair follicle health.† (NOW 30IU, Nutrafol ® 3.5mg)
  • Biotin: Both contain Biotin, a B vitamin essential for healthy hair growth and structure.† (NOW 300mg, Nutrafol ® 3000mcg)
  • Zinc: Both include Zinc, which contributes to protein synthesis, crucial for hair growth.† (NOW 15mg, Nutrafol ® 25mg)
  • Additional Vitamins And Minerals (Nutrafol ®): Nutrafol ® offers Vitamin D, Iodine, and Selenium, which support proper thyroid function and protect hair follicles from oxidative stress, potentially promoting hair growth.† (Vitamin D 62.5mcg, Iodine 225mg, Selenium 200mg)
  • B-Vitamin Spectrum (NOW): NOW boasts a broader range of B vitamins (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B-6, Folic Acid, B-12) compared to Nutrafol ® (Biotin only). B vitamins play a vital role in overall health, including hair health.†
  • Shared ingredients: Both formulas include Solubilized Keratin, Horsetail Extract, and Hyaluronic Acid. However, these ingredients are fully disclosed in NOW Hair, Skin, and Nails, whereas Nutrafol ® features these ingredients within a blend.†

Unique Ingredients:

  • MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) (500mg): MSM is a naturally occurring compound that contains sulfur, a vital element for the production of collagen and keratin. It helps maintain the structural integrity of hair follicles and promotes healthy hair growth. Additionally, MSM possesses anti-inflammatory properties that may soothe scalp irritation and promote a healthy scalp environment. (41,42)

  • Beef Gelatin (200mg): Gelatin is derived from collagen, a protein found in connective tissues. Beef gelatin provides amino acids like glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline, which are building blocks for collagen production. It supports skin elasticity, nail strength, and hair thickness. (43,44)

  • L-Proline (100mg): L-Proline is an amino acid that plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis. It helps maintain the structure and integrity of connective tissues, including hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth and skin elasticity. (43,45)

  • Choline (25mg) and Inositol (25mg): Choline and inositol are B-vitamin-like compounds that may support overall hair and skin health. Choline is involved in cell membrane structure and neurotransmitter synthesis, while inositol plays a role in cellular signaling and lipid metabolism, contributing to healthy hair growth and skin integrity. (36,46)

How To Take NOW Hair, Skin, and Nails:

The manufacturers recommend taking 3 capsules daily with food.

Life Extension Hair, Skin, and Nails Collagen Plus:

Life Extension Hair, Skin & Nails Collagen Plus offers a more targeted approach than Nutrafol ®, emphasizing high-dosage collagen for hair, skin, and nail health.

Life Extension Hair Skin And Nails

Here’s a breakdown highlighting the potential advantages of Life Extension:

  1. High Concentration of Collagen Peptides: Life Extension Hair, Skin & Nails Collagen Plus provides 2500mg of VERISOL® Bioactive Collagen Peptides®, a specialized form of collagen known for its bioavailability and effectiveness in promoting skin elasticity, reducing wrinkles, and supporting hair and nail health. Collagen peptides are essential building blocks for maintaining the structure and integrity of the hair follicles, promoting stronger and healthier hair growth.†
  2. Transparent ingredient list: The label clearly lists all ingredients and their dosages, allowing for informed decision-making.

Ingredient Comparison:

  • Vitamins and Minerals: Both formulas include essential vitamins and minerals like Biotin, Vitamin C, and Zinc. However, Life Extension excludes Vitamin A, D, and E, while Nutrafol ® offers a broader spectrum of these. Nutrafol ® also includes Iodine and Selenium, which are not present in Life Extension.†
  • Collagen: Life Extension boasts a significantly higher dosage of VERISOL® Bioactive Collagen Peptides than Nutrafol ®’s Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen.†
  • Other Ingredients:
    • Life Extension:  Includes Silicon, which is essential for collagen synthesis and contributes to the strength and elasticity of hair strands. It also supports hair thickness and overall hair health.†
    • Nutrafol ®: Provides a unique blend (“Synergen Complex”) with Ashwagandha, Curcumin, and other ingredients targeting stress and inflammation. Additionally, Nutrafol ® offers a blend with L-Cysteine, L-Lysine, L-Methionine (amino acids for keratin building), and Japanese Knotweed extract (potential anti-inflammatory benefits).†

How To Take Life Extension Hair, Skin, and Nails Collagen Plus:

The manufacturer recommends taking (4) tablets daily or as a healthcare practitioner recommends.

Nature’s Bounty Hair, Skin and Nails:

Nature’s Bounty Hair, Skin, and Nails is a strong contender for those seeking an affordable, well-rounded hair, skin, and nail support supplement.

Natures bounty Hair Skin And Nails (1)

Here’s a breakdown highlighting the potential advantages of Nature’s Bounty compared to Nutrafol ®:

  1. High Biotin Content:
    • Nature’s Bounty Hair, Skin, and Nails: Provides a significant dose of 5000mcg of biotin per serving. Biotin is a key nutrient known for its role in promoting healthy hair growth, improving hair thickness, and reducing hair breakage. This higher biotin dosage may offer more noticeable benefits for individuals experiencing hair thinning or loss.†
  2. Variety of Botanical Extracts:
    • Nature’s Bounty Hair, Skin, and Nails: Contains botanical extracts such as Argan Oil, Horsetail, and Hydrolyzed Collagen, which are known for their beneficial effects on hair, skin, and nail health. Argan Oil helps moisturize and nourish the scalp and hair, while Horsetail provides silica, promoting hair strength and thickness. Hydrolyzed Collagen supports skin elasticity and may contribute to stronger nails.†
  3. Additional Vitamins and Minerals:
    • Nature’s Bounty Hair, Skin and Nails: Includes a range of vitamins and minerals such as Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Iron, and Manganese. These nutrients play essential roles in maintaining overall health and supporting various metabolic processes that contribute to hair, skin, and nail health.†

Ingredient Comparison:

  • Vitamins and Minerals: Both formulas include essential vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, C, E, Biotin, and Zinc. However, Nature’s Bounty offers more B vitamins (including Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, and B12) than Nutrafol ® (Biotin only). Nutrafol ® provides a higher Vitamin D dosage and includes Iodine, which is not found in Nature’s Bounty.†
  • Shared ingredients: Both formulas include Horsetail Extract and Hyaluronic Acid. However, these ingredients are fully disclosed in Nature’s Bounty Hair, Skin, and Nails, whereas Nutrafol ® features these ingredients within a blend.†

Unique Ingredients:

  • Argan Oil (25mg): Extracted from the kernels of the argan tree, Argan Oil is a natural moisturizer rich in vitamin E and fatty acids. It may help nourish the scalp and hair, promoting shine and manageability. (47)

  • PABA (Para-Aminobenzoic Acid, 10mg): This ingredient has limited scientific evidence for direct hair benefits. However, some believe it may protect the skin from sun damage.†

  • Choline Bitartrate (10mg): Choline is an essential nutrient involved in various bodily functions, including cell membrane health. While not directly linked to hair growth, it may contribute to overall hair health as part of a balanced formula. (36,48)

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (10mg): An antioxidant that may help protect cells from damage. Some studies suggest it could improve blood circulation, potentially benefiting hair follicle health. However, more research is needed to confirm this specifically for hair growth. (49)

How To Take Nature’s Bounty Hair, Skin, and Nails :

The manufacturer recommends taking three (3) softgels daily, preferably with a meal.

Dragon Pharma FemaGlow:

Dragon Pharma FemaGlow offers a targeted blend of vitamins, minerals, and botanical extracts to support hair health and promote stronger, thicker hair growth. With its unique formulation, this supplement provides specific nutrients and herbal extracts that may offer advantages for individuals seeking to improve the condition of their hair.


Let’s explore the potential advantages of Dragon Pharma FemaGlow over Nutrafol ®:

  1. High Concentration of Hydrolyzed Keratin: FemaGlow features a significant dosage of KeraGLO (Hydrolyzed Keratin, 500mg), a key structural protein in hair. This focus on Keratin may appeal to individuals looking to directly support hair structure.†
  2. Transparent Formula: FemaGlow lists all its ingredients and dosages clearly, allowing consumers to make informed decisions.†

Ingredient Comparison:

  • Vitamins and Minerals: FemaGlow offers a narrower range of vitamins and minerals than Nutrafol ®. It includes Vitamin A, D, E, and Biotin but lacks Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium, and Iodine present in Nutrafol ®.†
  • Keratin: FemaGlow provides a much higher dosage of Hydrolyzed Keratin (500mg) than Nutrafol ®’s Soluble Keratin (dosage not specified).†
  • Saw Palmetto: Both FemaGlow and Nutrafol ® include Saw Palmetto in their formula. However, FemaGlow’s transparent formula allows consumers to know the exact amount of Saw Palmetto present, which is 200mg in FemaGlow. In contrast, Nutrafol ® incorporates Saw Palmetto within a blend, making it challenging to know its precise concentration.†

Unique Ingredients:

  • DNActive (from salmon milt) (100mg): This ingredient is fermented DNA from salmon milt with potential benefits across various health and wellness categories such as anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, cellular immunity, and hair, skin, and nail health. More research is needed to determine its effectiveness for hair health. (50,51)

  • Fo-Ti Extract (Polygonum multiflorum) (root) (100mg): This herb has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for various purposes, including hair growth and against hair graying. However, scientific evidence for its effectiveness in promoting hair growth is lacking. (52,53)

How To Take Dragon Pharma FemaGlow:

The manufacturer recommends taking take 1 serving (2 capsules) daily with a meal.

Section Divider: Nutrafol VS Minoxidil

Nutrafol ® VS Minoxidil:

Both Nutrafol ® and Minoxidil are popular options for addressing hair loss, but they work in very different ways.

minoxidil supplement facts

Nutrafol ® offers a multi-targeted approach, addressing potential underlying causes of hair loss like stress, inflammation, and hormonal imbalances. It utilizes a blend of ingredients to nourish hair follicles and create an optimal environment for growth.†

In contrast, Minoxidil directly stimulates hair follicles in the treated area to promote growth. Traditionally, this topical solution, containing 2% or 5% Minoxidil as the primary ingredient, is applied twice daily to the scalp. However, it’s important to note that Minoxidil is now offered in pill form as well, though this oral version is typically only available with a doctor’s prescription.†

While Minoxidil, whether topical or oral, is relatively fast-acting with potential results within a few months and may be more affordable than Nutrafol ®, it requires consistent use for continued effectiveness and can cause scalp irritation (topical) or other side effects (oral). Additionally, it’s not effective for all types of hair loss, may lead to initial shedding, and is unsuitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women.†

Want to read more about Minoxidil? The Science Behind Minoxidil: How Does It Work? (Review & Guide 2024)

Section Divider: How To Choose

How To Choose:

With a wide range of hair loss solutions available, picking the most effective one for you can feel confusing. Here’s a breakdown to help you navigate these options based on your specific goals and situation:

Looking for Overall Hair Health and Shine?

Concerned About Underlying Causes (Stress, Inflammation)?

  • Your Pick: Nutrafol®.
  • Why? Nutrafol® offers a comprehensive formula with vitamins, minerals, and a unique blend specifically targeting stress and inflammation, which can be potential contributors to hair loss. However, be prepared for a higher price point.†

Prioritizing Keratin for Stronger Hair Structure?

  • Your Pick: Dragon Pharma FemaGlow.
  • Why? This formula boasts the highest dosage of Keratin, a key structural protein in hair. It caters to those seeking a targeted approach to strengthen hair strands. Keep in mind that research on some of its additional ingredients is limited.†

Looking to Support Hair Health with Collagen?

  • Your Pick: Life Extension Hair, Skin and Nails Collagen Plus.
  • Why? This formula provides a blend of Biotin, vitamins, minerals, and Collagen peptides. Collagen is a protein that supports skin health and may also contribute to hair health.†

Want Fast-Acting Targeted Growth in a Specific Area?

  • Your Pick: Minoxidil (Topical or Oral, Prescription Required for Oral).
  • Why? Minoxidil is the only FDA-approved hair loss treatment that directly stimulates hair follicles for growth in the applied area. However, it requires a consistent twice-daily application (topical) and can cause side effects. Additionally, discuss the possibility of oral Minoxidil with your doctor, but remember it typically requires a prescription.†

Remember: Consistency is key! It can take months to see results with any hair loss treatment. If you’re unsure which option is best for you, a dermatologist or doctor can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs and medical history. By understanding your hair goals and individual needs, you can choose the best product or treatment to achieve healthier, stronger hair.

Section Divider: Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up!

This marks the end of our blog on Nutrafol ® and other hair loss supplements. Thank you for reading! And as always, if there is something that isn’t clear, another question you might have, or if you have another idea for a blog, email us!

Meanwhile, if you are looking for more to read, check out some of our other blogs!

Section Divider: Warnings And Side Effects

Warnings And Side Effects:

Products mentioned in this post are only intended to be consumed by healthy individuals over the afe of 18 years. Consult your physician prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing. Consult your physician prior to use if you are taking any medications or have any medical condition. Do not exceed recommended use. Improper use will not improve results. Discontinue use and seek professional assistance immediately if you are experiencing unwanted side effects.

Section Divider: Disclaimer


†Please note the intention of the information provided is for reference only. Furthermore, we are in no way providing medical advice or instruction. Instead, the information provided in this guide/blog utilizes anecdotal information and available studies/reviews. While we aim to maintain and display accurate information, we can’t guarantee it represents the latest product formula or information. Therefore, please visit the manufacturer’s website if you have any concerns. Also, the information above does not represent our views here at Same Day Supplements. Instead, these are the manufacturers’ and users’ views and information. Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. Finally, these products aim not to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease or illness.


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